Articles on: Import Testimonials

How to Automatically Import New Testimonials

Shapo's Auto-Sync feature is designed to streamline the process of importing new testimonials from your preferred review sources.
Follow this step-by-step guide to set up the auto-sync functionality and effortlessly bring in new testimonials as they are received.

Step 1: Select Your Review Source

Click the Import Testimonials button to open up the import modal
Choose the desired review source, such as Google, from the available options.

Step 2: Enable Auto-Sync

Within the selected review source, look for the "Auto-Sync" option.
Select the reviews you wish to import, and toggle on the "Auto-sync new testimonials" switch to activate the auto-sync feature for this review source.
Click "Import Reviews" to confirm your selection to create an auto-sync task dedicated to importing new testimonials automatically.

Step 3: Automatic Import Process

Shapo will now check for new testimonials from the chosen review source every 24 hours.
All auto-imported testimonials will be marked as public by default.

You can see the running auto sync tasks whenever you want by selecting a review source:

Step 4: Receive Email Summaries

As part of our notification system, you will receive an email summarizing the results of the auto-import process.
The email will provide insights into the newly imported testimonials, allowing you to stay updated on the latest feedback.

Congratulations! You've successfully set up the Auto-Sync feature in Shapo to import new testimonials seamlessly from your chosen review source.
If you encounter any issues or have further questions, feel free to reach out to our support team for assistance.

Updated on: 11/03/2024